Monday, September 24, 2012

First Day of Classes!!

So... today was my first day as a Spanish student/ teacher!! haha It was REALLY scary at first... But my parents were here with me, so they were able to calm me down before I had to teach.

My morning started pretty early, and the first thing I had to do was teach.  I was SO nervous because I had to teach before even being in a Spanish class... so I wasn't sure how classes usually run.  But, the teachers I am working with gave me a lesson plan, so I basically just had to follow it.  ((The lessons here are COMPLETELY different than the ones in the US, so even though it made me feel better to have the lesson already done, it almost made me more nervous because its not the way I would normally teach... haha))

So, even though the lesson wasn't completely mine, I made a little power point to go along with it (like I always do when I teach... haha).  I was 100% prepared, until I walked into the classroom, and realized that the connection for the projector didn't fit my laptop, since I have a Mac. (there are no computers in the classrooms so I have to bring my own) So, of course I feel like I'm going to have a melt-down.  But somehow my nerves don't get to me (like they usually do) and I was able to teach without the power point, and things went REALLY WELL!! I had a great time, and all the students are really great!

I also went to two of my first classes as a student.  It was a little overwhelming, not because of the language or anything, but more because of the difference in class structure.  It's hard to explain exactly what I mean... but hopefully after going to a few more classes, I'll figure out exactly what it is that's so weird... haha I think it was the fact that they are more lecture based and less discussion based... and also that the syllabus isn't as exactly written out as I'm used to.  There is no calendar with due dates and readings and such... just a required reading list... I don't know what that means!! When do I read what?!?! haha

Overall though, a successful first day of classes... I am however completely exhausted... Looking forward to a relaxing night in with my wonderful roommate.


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