Saturday, January 12, 2013

Quick Reflections

As of yesterday, I have officially been in Spain for 4 months!! This is a little mind blowing for me, and this blog is to explain why.

While I can't believe how fast time is going, and that I have less than 6 months left here, I'm also conflicted with the feeling that I've been here forever but in a good way (of course).  I have a life, like a real life here in Salamanca.  I have friends, I pay bills, I have certain stores I prefer to shop in, cafes that I'm a "regular" in... I really can't believe how much I completely feel like I have created a nice little life for myself here.

Now, this is completely different from the last time I was in Spain, for a couple of reasons.  1) I was living with a "family"- that really means one older lady.  She was really sweet, and absolutely adorable, but, it's not the same as now, where I have my own place, a roommate (who's awesome), pay bills, cook my own meals, do my own cleaning, etc.  You know that feeling when you move out of your parents house and get an apartment of your own?  Well, I feel like in my "Spanish life" I've "moved out" of my "parents' (Carmen's)" home, and into my own place... does that make sense?
Reason 2) I'm older.  I know, I'm only 3 years older than the last time I was here, but it's amazing how different that can make my experience. Last time I was in Spain, I'm not going to lie, I was all about boys, clubs, and cafes... I didn't care about school, nor did I really have to.  I just wanted to go out, flirt with all the cute Spanish boys, and stay awake until the sun came up.  This time, however, I still enjoy going out for a drink or two with some friends, but mainly, we just stay in, talk, watch movies, make tortilla, and maybe open a bottle of wine.  It's nice, and I feel like the friendships I'm making are much stronger than the ones from Santiago because of it.  Not to mention I have a WONDERFUL boyfriend, so going out to look for cute Spanish boys no longer seems appealing to me.  Needless to say, my entire experience is completely different.  It's more like "real life" and not so much like that crazy semester abroad that so many people associate with living in Europe for school.
Another thing that has made me feel more like I LIVE here, and am not just visiting... is that a friend and I have decided to try to run a 1/2 marathon! I'm extremely excited about this! Training has been hard, but I'm really enjoying it!! AND I might even join a gym and do pilates... See?! Things I would only do if I LIVED somewhere.

Well, that's all for now.  I promise to post about Christmas and New Years within the next 48 hours.

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