Sunday, July 20, 2014

Some of my "deep" thoughts...

I'm not sure if it's just me, or maybe it's something that a lot of people go through, but no one warned me about.

Does becoming a "grown up"just seem to happen "así de golpe" (all at once) for everyone?  I mean, I know I've been progressively preparing for this time pretty much since I was 16, but I still never saw it coming.

It's like you just wake up one day and realize, 'hey, I'm an adult'.  I'm not even really sure what that means though.  Is it that I would rather spend a Saturday night in with a good book than out with friends, because 1) I have to pay bills, I'm not wasting money and 2) I have to do stuff in the morning, like clean my apartment and lesson plan, so getting up a 1pm is simply not an option.

Or maybe it's that I realized that I have to... PAY BILLS.  It's a horrible thing!  Does paying bills make you an adult?  Because if so, I'm ok with being a kid for the rest of my life... but I'm guess I'm in too deep now to turn back.

Or better yet, it's getting a job, and using the money from that job to pay said bills, instead of buying that REALLY cute dress I saw the other day... I think I remember my parents warning me about this... something like, "when you get a job, you'll realize the value of money, you can't just blow it on Starbucks and shopping... "  don't get me wrong, my parents were always really good at teaching me the value of money, but, still, it's horrible to work so hard for a paycheck that's all going straight to the bank... into someone else's account.

I suppose I'm not really sure what it means to be 'an adult', I just know that, in my few weeks alone to reflect here in Salamanca, I've had this revelation.  Or more, doubt.  When did this happen?

Either way, I'm still holding my own personal protest to "growing up" by watching Spongebob, as we speak...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

If I received a grade for keeping up with my blog, I'd get an F

So, I've been horrible at keeping up with my blog.  The reason is simple, life keeps happening too fast! I can't keep up with it.  So much has happened in the last 6 months, that I don't really know where to begin.  So, in case anyone's wondering here's a re-cap of probably the best yet most trying 6 months of my time in Spain so far.

In late January, I was fortunate enough to run into a old friend that I met in September. Another American, we had a lot in common, and started talking and spending a lot of time together.  Long story short, we've been inseparable since then.  I really don't know where I would be without him at this point. He's become that person I can't live without, and I don't know what I ever did before I met him.  He's kind of amazing.  =)

We took a lot of trips, Córdoba, Sevilla, Barcelona, Valencia, Segovia, Ávila... And each was absolutely fantastic!  We got to see some of the most amazing things I've ever seen, and I'm glad to say I was able to share those experiences with someone who has become one of the most important people in my life.

In between all this flitting around Spain, though, I started my second semester of my Masters.  This semester, I had to travel to a city called Valladolid, about an hour or so away from Salamanca.  It was extremely stressful, but also a really amazing experience.  I was able to get to know the people in my Master's group better, and I really enjoyed the classes as well.  So, even though I would come home some days, exhausted and on the verge of tears, in the end, looking back, I wouldn't change it.

Now, I'm still in Salamanca.  Everyone has gone home for the summer, but not me! I'm still working, and finishing my Masters Thesis.  It gets lonely at times, but I have my puppy here, and he's good company.  He seems to be really enjoying Spain! He loves the walks, and meeting other dogs (sometimes) and I know he can't wait for my roommate and her dog to get back.  I think he misses his friend.

Well, like I said, this was just a REALLY short re-cap of an amazing 6 months.  Hopefully, the next 6, I'll be more proactive with my blog...
P.S. Here's a few pictures of my trips!


Seville: Even though it rained almost the entire day, we still made the most of it, and had an AMAZING time!

Barcelona/ Valencia:


And lastly Ávila:

Saturday, January 4, 2014

It all happens for a reason

So, I was just looking back through some of my older posts here, and I re-read the one where I was ranting about my classes in the undergrad program at Salamanca.  I remember being so incredibly frustrated with those classes.  I just wanted to throw my books and papers out my 4th floor window.

But, going back to the States this summer to take my comprehensive exams for my 1st Masters quickly changed my mind.  I realized that, even though I had to re-skim some of my notes on the texts and such, that I had actually really gained a huge understanding about the authors and time periods from the very class that I hated.

My comps covered everything from El canto de mío Cid (written around the 12th cent) to films and plays from the 20th and 21st cent.  I had to know authors, movements, major works, historical events.  Basically if it happened in Spain, and was relatively important, I had to know it.  Now, these classes that I hated covered the 15th, 16th, and 17th cent and theater in the 20th.  Turns out, when studying for comps, those were the centuries that I felt confident enough in to only review quickly.  I was amazed at how much I retained from those classes!!  I didn't get to research or investigate some of the amazing topics and themes that were presented to me throughout the classes, but I was able to gain an amazing understanding of the historical development of Spain through (especially) the Golden Ages (which has also become one of my favorite parts of Spanish history to read and study).

Either way, just wanted to say that it's funny how sometimes things that seem horrible at the time really do have a purpose.  This is a silly example of that, but it was something I'll never forget going forward with my education.  Just because I may not enjoy the set-up of a class doesn't mean that I can't get something from it.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Getting my dog to Spain!!!

So, it's all but official!! Chandler (my puppy-- well, he's 2, so maybe he's a dog... but he'll always be my baby) is going to Spain!!  I almost brought him with me last year, and decided last minute not to.  But, being that I plan on living in Spain for 3-4 more years, I know I wouldn't survive without him!  Even though my parents have been wonderful to him, and he loves living with them, it's time I take back the responsibility.  And I'm SO excited about it!

I say "all but" official, because I won't feel relieved until we walk through the door to my apartment.  I'm so nervous about the long trip (consisting of 2 flights and a 2.5 hour train ride...)!!  Thankfully he's small enough to be a "carry on" and I don't have to put him under the plane.  He's also small enough to ride with me on the train, so I won't be taking my eyes off him!!

The process of getting him approved to move to Spain wasn't too bad... a little pricey... but what isn't these days?!

1.  He had to have an internationally recognized microchip (which he already did)
2.  He had to have an up-to-date rabies shot (That must be administered more than 21 days before the flight).
3.  He needed a health certificate from the vet (This had to be done 10 days OR LESS before the flight)
4.  And then, I had to fill out a bilingual form that I got on the USDA website, and his vet had to sign.

Once I got all of that together, I had to take it to the USDA office, and they approved it all, and put a pretty stamp on it, which they charged me $38 for!

Either way, it seems that everything is in order, and in a few short days, Chandler and I will be embarking on the biggest journey of his little life!  Wish us luck!!!