Sunday, July 20, 2014

Some of my "deep" thoughts...

I'm not sure if it's just me, or maybe it's something that a lot of people go through, but no one warned me about.

Does becoming a "grown up"just seem to happen "así de golpe" (all at once) for everyone?  I mean, I know I've been progressively preparing for this time pretty much since I was 16, but I still never saw it coming.

It's like you just wake up one day and realize, 'hey, I'm an adult'.  I'm not even really sure what that means though.  Is it that I would rather spend a Saturday night in with a good book than out with friends, because 1) I have to pay bills, I'm not wasting money and 2) I have to do stuff in the morning, like clean my apartment and lesson plan, so getting up a 1pm is simply not an option.

Or maybe it's that I realized that I have to... PAY BILLS.  It's a horrible thing!  Does paying bills make you an adult?  Because if so, I'm ok with being a kid for the rest of my life... but I'm guess I'm in too deep now to turn back.

Or better yet, it's getting a job, and using the money from that job to pay said bills, instead of buying that REALLY cute dress I saw the other day... I think I remember my parents warning me about this... something like, "when you get a job, you'll realize the value of money, you can't just blow it on Starbucks and shopping... "  don't get me wrong, my parents were always really good at teaching me the value of money, but, still, it's horrible to work so hard for a paycheck that's all going straight to the bank... into someone else's account.

I suppose I'm not really sure what it means to be 'an adult', I just know that, in my few weeks alone to reflect here in Salamanca, I've had this revelation.  Or more, doubt.  When did this happen?

Either way, I'm still holding my own personal protest to "growing up" by watching Spongebob, as we speak...

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