Friday, December 7, 2012

Thanksgiving in Spain

So, as everyone knows, this last week was Thanksgiving.  This is my first Thanksgiving not being with my family.  It was really sad not being able to spend one of my favorite holidays with my favorite people in the whole world... but, there were still good times and celebrations over here!

At first, on actually Thanksgiving, I was a little sad to be missing out on everything, but then, life just conitnued. haha  Here in Spain (obviously) they don't celebrate Thanksgiving, and really, no one even knows completely what it is.  So, it actually made it easier on me to not have to be around people celebrating with their families and such.  I thought I would miss the atmosphere of the holiday, but in all honesty, it was nice to not have to be reminded of what I was missing.

On actual Thanksgiving day I went to a friends house, and we made pumpkin stew! It was a lot of fun, and turned out really well!! We didn't get to eat a lot of it, as it was for a get-together we were having the next day, but still being in the kitchen and cooking pumpkin type things really started to get the Thanksgiving feeling going.

The next day, however, we had our International "Thanksgiving".  It was SO MUCH FUN!! My friend had a lot of people over, and we did a potluck-style dinner.  There were people from all over the world, and they all brought something to eat! It was amazing.

 We couldn't get a turkey, but we did get some roasted chickens, and a few Americans brought mashed potatoes, so it was basically the same thing. =) I ate more food than I should have, and it was amazing.  I was so full, but the food was so good, I couldn't stop eating! We all had a lot of good times, laughs, and made wonderful memories.

 More food... =)
 A good friend here in Spain, and another American! =)

 It was Pat's (my friend's husband) birthday!! We had a cake!! Super cute!

Learning how to line dance!! Not necessarily a Thanksgiving activity... But still something that reminds me of home, and added to the fun of the night! 
Needless to say, my first Thanksgiving, not only without my family, but out of the country was a success!! I'm very thankful for my friends who all made it so wonderful!!


  1. We missed you at Thanksgiving also. Being in Florida and celebrating with Grandma, Papa and Aunt Kathy's family was very nice. It is going to be hard not having you here for Christmas.

  2. I'm glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving!!
    I'm going to miss being home for Christmas a lot this year, BUT we will definitely skype!!
