Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Elections in the US, Questions in Spain

So, this post isn't going to have anything to do with my political opinions or any of that.  If you know me at all, you know where I stand.

However, I find it interesting how many people have been asking me about the elections the last few days.  At first it was, "Did you vote today?".  Of course, I had to explain that because I'm in Spain, I couldn't vote on Tuesday Nov 6th with everyone else.  haha Others want to know my opinions about the winner, others just want to talk about it.  

I was excited to be in Spain for this election, to get away from all the hype and such that surrounds it, but instead, I find myself being the "American voice".  Simply because I'm from the US, everyone either assumes A) I'm happy with the victor, or B) I'm going to have some huge speech or argument to make against him.  I'm probably the WORST person for this, since I don't really like talking about politics, and I try to keep my opinions to myself, especially in a country where people aren't always completely informed about our politicians, ect.  

For the last election in 2008, I was home.  However, in January when Obama took office, I was in Spain, and I found myself in the exact same position.  Everyone and their mother asking me questions, and if I didn't say something they liked, they would begin arguing with me.  Now, I get it, our country is huge and powerful, ect, and I don't mind that people here are preoccupied with the president of the US.  I just don't want to get into a political debate with people who are looking at the elections from an outside view.  (I don't like getting into political debates with people from the States either, but for me, its different.  It's easier to understand their view-point at least... idk how to explain it haha) 

So, that being said, this year I have been really careful not to post on facebook, blogspot, ect about my political views.  Not at all because I'm ashamed of them, or don't want to stand up for what I believe in, just because I'm so sick of people thinking that just because I may not agree with them, I'm saying that they are wrong in what they believe, and they feel the need to attack me, or feel that I am attacking them.  I have my views because of what affects me, my family, and my friends.  And that's where everyone gets their views from.  No one just decides to believe something just to upset someone else, or to offend someone else.  

Either way, if you're wondering, my answer to the question, "What do you think of the election?"  is "I just hope that whoever is President takes our country in the direction it needs to go to make things better." No matter who wins (won), it's done.  Now, we just look to the future.  Whether or not you like the President, the only thing to do now is to pray for him, the country, and the future.  Its the same thing I would do no matter who won, and its exactly what I'm going to continue doing.  

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